Dutch Flower

Making life colourful from the heart

Dutch Flower

Making life colourful from the heart

Dutch Flower

Making life colourful from the heart

Dutch Flower

Making life colourful from the heart

About us

Dutch Flower Foundation (DFF) aims to improve the living conditions and well-being of people in need and in particular children. This will focus on countries where Dutch Flower Group (DFG) companies are active with an emphasis on connected community projects. Through the activities of DFF, DFG gives substance to its responsibility for the world in which we live.


Promising Projects

We support around 50-70 projects annually. Most of these on request from employees of Dutch Flower Group companies as well as from business relations of our companies. The applications vary from a contribution from a sponsor run to a multi-year project collaboration.


New X-ray machine for Sher Hospital in Ziway


Afriflora Sher recently installed a new X-ray machine worth over $50,000 at Sher Hospital in Ethiopia, which was provided by Dutch Flower Foundation. The Sher Hospital in Ziway, which operates as a regional hospital, treats over 100,000 patients annually for a variety of reasons.


St Michaels Nyanzou Primary School in Zimbabwe


Dutch Flower Foundation is proud supporter of St Michaels Nyanzou Primary School in Zimbabwe. Zimflora (a Dutch Flower Group company) facilitates this project in Zimbabwe. St Michael is one of the three schools within the community of Zimflora (a Dutch Flower Group company) they work with. One of the recent projects is the Learning Support Program. The objective of the program was to fund one learning support teacher to grade 3 & 4 students who are in need of extra learning support. It is great to hear that 14 children have already progressed through this program. With another 13 months ahead – we are positive that more children will benefit from this very important work the teacher is doing. We are grateful to support this wonderful long term project.


ALMC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Arusha, Tanzania


Dutch Flower Foundation supports the ALMC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Arusha, Tanzania for several years. Via Boudewijn Rip we came in contact with Stephen J. Swanson (Medical Director of the NICU). After a presentation of him and a tour in the NICU, we where convinced to support the organisation.  


Check below our updates on projects around the world. Do you want to stay up to date? Like our Facebook page!


Last week, our board member Iris de Waal visited five of our projects in Kenya.

Iris: “Seeing the impact of our donations with my own eyes has truly been an impressive experience.”

Together with her colleagues from The Floral Connection, Jeroen Meerman, Milly Kalders and Robert De Boer, the first project she visited was the Mirera Primary School. Last year, we donated many school supplies. The children welcomed the group with amazing dance and song performances. Later, they got a tour around the facilities.

The second project the group visited was the orphanage Vision of Hope. With two donated water tanks and breakfast every day, we saw the positive influence of our donation on 35 orphans. The group themselves arranged some extra donations in the form of clothing, toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and fresh food.

On the last day of the visit, Iris was able to visit three more projects. She first visited the Thika Cancer Care Centre, where specialist care is being set up for patients. Next, she visited a primary school where we donated encyclopedias and computers to the library. The school also has 50 lovely special needs children, to whom we recently donated funding for adjusting the two classrooms with the appropriate supplies.

We want to thank Nini, Dümmen Orange, and Penta Flowers for assisting us with our donations and visits.


Dutch Flower Foundation doneert, ter gelegenheid van het 25-jarig bestaan van Decorum Company, aan de Hersenstichting.

Op 19 april jl. was het feest in De Grote Kerk in Naaldwijk: Decorum vierde haar 25-jarig bestaan!

Verschillende DFG-bedrijven hebben een uitermate goede relatie met Decorum en een aantal collega’s was ook bij het feest aanwezig. Als cadeau had Decorum voorgesteld een donatie te doen voor de Hersenstichting. Waarop vanuit Dutch Flower Foundation een cheque van € 2.500 is overhandigd aan Ron Kloos, directeur van Decorum.

Ron Kloos (links) nam de cheque blij in ontvangst van Henk-Jan van den Eijkel (OZ Planten).


🎉 25 jaar Dutch Flower Foundation 🎈

Dit jaar vieren we niet alleen het 25-jarig bestaan van Dutch Flower Group, maar ook van Dutch Flower Foundation. Sinds 1999 hebben we met trots meer dan 1.000 projecten mogen ondersteunen, waarbij we een mooie bijdrage hebben geleverd aan de thema's educatie, huisvesting, gezondheid, sport en basis levensbehoeften, in landen waar wij actief zijn.

Van het leveren van watertanks tot het doneren van leermiddelen, en van het bevorderen van onderwijsmogelijkheden voor kansarme kinderen tot het ondersteunen van de Voedselbank, onze inspanningen hebben hopelijk een verschil gemaakt in het leven van velen.

Dank aan iedereen die deel heeft uitgemaakt van deze mooie jaren. Op naar nog meer jaren met vele projecten. 🌷


Dutch Flower Foundation donates autoclave machine to Sher Hospital!

We recently donated a new autoclave machine to Afriflora’s Sher Hospital, which is used to sterilize surgical instruments and operation materials. The autoclave machine is essential for the surgery room. Doctor Dems (medical director) explains: “At Sher Hospital at least two major operations take place per day. The new autoclave will help to save lives. With this donation we can continue to guarantee the quality of our services “.

At Sher hospital all employees (approx. 12.500) and Sher-students (6.500) get free medical care. Members of the community are served at a low-cost rate. Over 100.000 patients are treated every year.

📷 Hana Midekso & Tekabu Deribe

Board DFF

The board of DFF consist of employees of DFG companies:

  • Martin Vingerling (Hamiplant), treasurer
  • Bob Goedemans (Coloriginz), chairman
  • Gerda Stokhof (Dutch Flower Group), secretary
  • Iris de Waal (The Floral Connection), general board member
  • Martin van Rijn (Van Dijk Flora), general board member
  • Katinka Eelman (Holex Flower), general board member
DFF_bestuur klein

For more information about Dutch Flower Foundation, please contact us.

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