St Michaels Nyanzou Primary School in Zimbabwe
Dutch Flower Foundation is proud supporter of St Michaels Nyanzou Primary School in Zimbabwe. Zimflora (a Dutch Flower Group company) facilitates this project in Zimbabwe. St Michael is one of the three schools within the community of Zimflora (a Dutch Flower Group company) they work with.
One of the recent projects is the Learning Support Program. The objective of the program was to fund one learning support teacher to grade 3 & 4 students who are in need of extra learning support. It is great to hear that 14 children have already progressed through this program. With another 13 months ahead, we are positive that more children will benefit from this very important work the teacher is doing.
We are grateful to support this wonderful long term project.
![Dutch Flower Foundation is proud supporter of the Learning Support Program at St Michaels Nyanzou Primary School in Zimbabwe. Zimflora (a Dutch Flower Group company) facilitates this project in Zimbabwe. St Michael is one of the three schools within their community they work with. The objective of the program was to fund one learning support teacher to grade 3 & 4 students who are in need of extra learning support. It is great to hear that 14 children have already progressed through this program. With another 13 months ahead – we are positive that more children will benefit from this very important work the teacher is doing. We are grateful to support this wonderful long term project.](
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Steun de kinderen van het Umbrella Children’s Home met boeket Bloemen voor Kenia
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For His Childeren in Ecuador
Hogar Para Sus Niños, een initiatief van For His Children, is een liefdevol thuis voor verlaten en kwetsbare kinderen in Ecuador. Het project biedt een veilige omgeving met professionele zorg, gericht op het herstellen en ontwikkelen van kinderen die trauma’s hebben meegemaakt.